Saturday, 1 March 2008

Customer service 2.0?

Happily it seems some are making the most of email and getting online customer service right. is one example of a web 2.0 site with personalized customer service with a human touch.

A couple of days after I signed up and added a few of my favourite bars and restaurants to the listings of 11870, I received an email - shock horror from a real person!! - offering help and encouraging me to keep using the service. Not only that, but she pointed out that they had a help blog where I could go should I need to and, if all else failed, that I should contact her directly.

>>> Interestingly, the help blog was basically a collection of FAQs: a little more organization, regular updates and more dialogue with and between users and this could be the future of website Help sections.

What's more, the email made specific reference to my choice of restaurants, my taste and interests and the tone of the email was in keeping with the website; friendly and approachable.
De todas formas, ya sabes: para cualquier duda o consulta que tengas, me comentas y te echo un cable ;)

...and in English:
Anyhow, now you know, let me know if you have any questions or queries and I'll help you out ;)

Makes a nice change!

Next week they're having a party in Madrid, not sure I'l make it, but I might just give it a shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for blogging about us. Hope you've enjoyed using the site these past months. :-) Just thought I'd let you know we've revised the help blog and it's now available in English too ( Best regards,